Infant Baptism is for children from birth up until 7 years of age.
All children age 7 and older who have not been baptized will receive their
sacraments through the Rite of Christian
Initiation, adapted for children.
Baptism Requirements for St. Thomas Aquinas Church
1. Parents need to be registered and participating for at least 6 months at St. Thomas Aquinas. If you have moved from another place we will need a letter from your previous parish.
2. Parents need to attend Baptism Classes. Godparents must attend classes also.
3. Parents need to complete the Baptism Registration form.
4. Parents must submit a copy of the baby's official birth certificate.
5. Parents and Godparents can take the classes at any other Church.
Who can be a Godparent?
1. At least one of the Godparents must be a practicing Catholic and in full communion with the Church (Baptized, First Communion, Confirmed, and, if married, married in the Catholic Church). If Godparents are not a member of our parish, please bring a letter from your parish that you are in full communion with the church.
2. Baptism Class will be conducted the third Saturday of every other month beginning at 8:30 a.m. and ending at noon. (Do not bring children. Babysitting is not provided.)
3. If you want to have your baby baptized at St. Thomas Aquinas, contact the office three months in advance.
4. If you need to take the class to baptize the child at another parish, please e-mail or call the parish office.
Parish office phone number: 281-240-6721
Baptism registration must be done 3 months in advance.
January 20,2024
March 16, 2024
May 18
July 20
Sept. 21,
Nov. 16
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