The focus of marriage preparation is not centered primarily on planning the wedding. Its focus is on preparing to live out a lifelong union of love with the Lord. This is not intended to diminish the couple's wedding ceremony, but to put it into proper perspective - namely, the significant sacramental event that initiates married life.
Please consider the following important information...
According to the Canon Law (the law of the Church), in order for a marriage to be valid, there are certain requirements:
1. At least one of the spouses must be a baptized Catholic;
2. The wedding must be celebrated in Catholic church in the presence of a Catholic priest/deacon/bishop and in the presence of two other witnesses;
3. The two spouses must be free to be married (e.g., no prior valid marriages); and they must be psychologically mature and capable of consenting to the marriage; and they must understand the nature of Catholic marriage (i.e., exclusive, permanent, and open to having children).
Engaged couples need to contact Deacon Anthony Olsovsky, (281) 240-6721 or, six to nine months before your wedding to allow time for preparation.
The couple will meet with Fr. Joseph M.S.F.S. for the initial interview to become acquainted and to review the process and take the
FOCCUS (Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding, and Study) instrument.
FOCCUS is a series of statements to which each person is asked to give responses in order to design a process suited for the particular couple.
After the FOCCUS results are graphed, the couple meets with the pastor or deacon to review it.
The couple has a choice of attending an Engaged Encounter Weekend or meeting for five sessions with a Sponsor Couple. An Engaged Encounter Weekend is a weekend experience with other couples that helps a couple develop a sensitivity in feelings, strengthen communications, and learn more about what it means to share life with one another and the Lord.
The Sponsor Couple Sessions are meetings with married couples who exemplify their commitment and help the engaged couple learn about married life and how to live
out that commitment. The sessions use exercises that ask the spouses-to-be to share their answers and to be open to each other's responses.
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