Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus

Fr. Jack Whitley Council #7382

Our Mission

Together, we’re empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community.

About the Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus (K of C) is a Catholic fraternal service organization with 1.9 million members worldwide. It was founded in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney and a group of parishioners at St. Mary's parish in New Haven, CT. The organization's name comes from the explorer Christopher Columbus.

 The K of C's mission is to help Catholic men live their faith at home, work, parish, and community. Its core values are integrity, professionalism, excellence, and respect, and its principles are charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. In 2017, Knights donated over 75.6 million service hours. 

We are men on a mission, driven by charity, strengthened by fraternity, united by purpose, inspired by patriotism, and rooted in tradition. We protect life, provide aid when natural disaster arises, and are defenders of the vulnerable. We are a Catholic brotherhood on a mission to change the world. We are a group of men joined together by the common interests of unselfish service to our Church, our Country, our Community, our Council, our Families, and our Youth. We are the Knights of Columbus.

Membership is limited to practicing Catholic men over 18 who are in full communion with the church. The K of C holds regular faith, family, and community events throughout the year.  Come and join us at Council 7382. We are the men of the parish of St. Thomas Aquinas who are distinguished by our Faith, our Fellowship, our Philanthropy, and our Service.

We need you

Membership is limited to practicing Catholic men over 18 who are in full communion with the church. The K of C holds regular faith, family, and community events throughout the year.  Come and join us at Council 7382. We are the men of the parish of St. Thomas Aquinas who are distinguished by our Faith, our Fellowship, our Philanthropy, and our Service.


If you are interested, please call our Membership Director, Duke Marasigan at 713-459-6252 or scan the QR code for more information.

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