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Trained volunteers offer group and individual counseling to support those grieving the loss of a loved one.
They send out monthly bereavement letters and maintain contact with the grieving parishioner for a year.
Anyone grieving the loss of a loved one and needing support is encouraged to call the parish office.
If you are sick or homebound and would like to receive a visit from a priest or have a trained Eucharistic Minister bring you Holy Communion, please contact the parish office.
Contact: PARISH OFFICE (281) 240-6721
Purpose: To bring meals to parishioners when needed after surgery, during a serious illness, in emergency situations, or after the birth of a child. Meals Ministry volunteers also provide food for funeral receptions at the parish, as well as helping with set-up and serving of the meal during the reception. This ministry offers the perfect opportunity to become involved in a parish ministry without a large commitment of time. Meals provided to parishoners in need do not have to be “homemade.” Taking the time to drop off food to a fellow parishioner is the gift.
Ministry Coordinator: Liz Moon -
Purpose: Prayer Blanket ministers prayerfully sew prayer blankets to be distributed to the sick and to the youth for prayer support.
Ministry Coordinator: Beth Tayam -
St. Vincent de Paul Society - A referral-based ministry, "Vincentians" make home visits to people who are in crisis or in need of resources. Training is provided to all volunteers. Meetings are held monthly.
Contact: 346-368-2820
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